If you are separating from an Australian Defence Force (ADF) member there are avenues of support available from Defence, as you transition out of being a Defence family. Sometimes it can be hard to know what support is available if you are not familiar with ADF policy documents or if your ex partner/spouse has not shared this information with you. Our firm is experienced in Defence family separations and can help you understand the support available if you are an ex-defence partner.
You must be recognised as a dependent for the benefits to apply
Defence support for partners after separating from an Australian Defence Force Member only applies if you are recognised as a dependent. If this is the case, your partner will need to follow these guidelines and advise Defence that the relationship has ended.
If your partner is unwilling to do this you can speak with Defence Families of Australia, Defence Member Family and Support (DMFS) Branch (formally Defence Community Organisation), or a Chaplain to assist with this process.
Living in Defence Housing Australia Service Residences after Separation

Once Defence has been notified of the relationship breakdown and the member has received the recategorisation notice, the ADF member must notify DHA. Defence then gives you 28 days to vacate the property. The member can request an extension if there are children of the relationship and the member will spending time with them.. This request is considered and approved by a senior manager at Toll Transitions.
Moving costs when separating from an Australian defence force member

The Defence Pay and Conditions Manual (PACMAN), outlines in Chapter 6.5 the support to a non-serving member upon separation. Specifically it outlines the situations where a spouse or partner is entitled to moving and associated travel costs. Further information regarding partner assistance following a relationship or marriage breakdown can be found in Chapter 8.11
Toll Transitions will guide the partner through these policies directly and they can be contacted on 1800 819 167.
Open Arms
Open Arms offer free and confidential counselling for veterans and their families. This includes children and ex spouses or ex partners of a serving member where they are co-parenting a child under 18 years of age, or it is within 5 years of the relationship ending.
Open Arms offers a free 24 hour support service that can be accessed by calling 1800 011 046.
Family Law legal advice

Family Law covers topics such as separation, divorce, property settlement, arrangements for children, and domestic and family violence. If you need further guidance on these matters as you journey through separation, we are here to offer our expert family law knowledge in a compassionate and caring way. New Way Lawyer’s has experience representing military personnel and partners of serving members.
What about kids and ADF postings after separation?
If you need assistance during separating from an ADF member, or you are an ADF member yourself that needs family law assistance, please contact one of our expert family lawyers for a free 20 minute consultation today on 1300 043 984.