Christmas is a happy time of year but for families experiencing family law issues, it can be lonely, stressful and confusing. Financial strain, navigating parenting arrangements and adjusting to a new way of living can make it difficult. It is not uncommon to experience anxiety and grief during the festive season and it is important to know you are not alone.

With many services closing over the Christmas and New Year period, it is hard to know where support is available. It is important, however, to reach out for support so we have compiled a a list of services offering support during December and January;
- eheadspace.org.au (6am-10pm Perth Time) – non-crisis service
- Lifeline (5pm-2am Perth Time) – https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/
- Kids Helpline (for 12-25 year olds) – http://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/get-help/webchat
- Q-Life online and phone counselling for LGBTI+ people: https://qlife.org.au/
- Sexual assault, domestic and family violence phone counselling: 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – available 24/7
- Mates in Construction – for those working in the construction and building industry: 1300 642 111 – available 24/7
- Family Drug Support line – for families affected by drug and alcohol use: 1300 368 186 – available 24/7